Oxidative Stress Compound Library

A unique collection of 1353 oxidative stress related compounds used for high throughput screening(HTS) and high content screening(HCS).

96 well plates

代表番号: 045-509-1970|電子メール:[email protected]




•Oxidative stress is a phenomenon caused by an imbalance between production and accumulation of oxygen reactive species (ROS) in cells and tissues and the ability of a biological system to detoxify these reactive products. Oxidative stress may play a role in the development of a range of conditions, including: cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, inflammatory disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, asthma and male infertility;
•A  unique collection of 1353 oxidative stress related compounds used for high throughput screening(HTS) and high content screening(HCS); 
•Some compounds have been approved by the FDA;
•Structurally diverse,medicinally active,and cell permeable;
•Rich documentation with structure and bioactivity information;
•NMR and HPLC validated to ensure high purity.


調合 1272 compounds pre-dissolved in 10mM DMSO, 39 compounds pre-dissolved in 10mM water, 41 compounds pre-dissolved in 2mM DMSO and 1 compounds pre-dissolved in 2mM water
ケース アルミ箔で封じる96ディープウェルプレート
安定性 1年 -20°C 溶于DMSO
2年 -80°C 溶于DMSO
出荷方式 ブルーアイス物流


  • 肝癌研究におけるGPCR Compound Libraryの使用例(当文献はNature (IF=43)に掲載され、研究期間は約15ヶ月です):


  • 大腸癌研究におけるKinase Inhibitor Library の使用例(当文献はNature Communications (IF=11)に掲載され、研究期間は約8ヶ月です):

    Nat Commun. 2019 16;10(1):2197

  • 抗ウイルス研究におけるFDA-approved Drug Libraryの使用例(当文献はCell Research (IF=17)に掲載され、研究期間は約13ヶ月です):

    Cell Res. 2019;29(9):739-753

  • 代謝研究におけるFDA-approved Drug Library使用例(当文献はMovement Disorders (IF=8)に掲載され、研究期間は約10ヶ月です):

    Mov Disord. 2019;34(3):323-334

  • 白血病研究におけるEpigenetics Compound Libraryの使用例(当文献は Blood (IF=16)に掲載され、研究期間は約16ヶ月です):

    Blood. 2019 17;134(16):1323-1336

  • 癌免疫研究におけるInhibitor Libraryの使用例(当文献はCancer Immunol Res (IF=8.6)に掲載され、研究期間は約12ヶ月です):

    Cancer Immunol Res.2017;5(9):790-803

Oxidative Stress Compound Library组成

HTS パートナ

Tags: Oxidative Stress Compound Libraryを買う | Oxidative Stress Compound Library ic50 | Oxidative Stress Compound Library供給者 | Oxidative Stress Compound Libraryを購入する | Oxidative Stress Compound Library費用 | Oxidative Stress Compound Library生産者 | オーダーOxidative Stress Compound Library | Oxidative Stress Compound Library化学構造 | Oxidative Stress Compound Library分子量 | Oxidative Stress Compound Library代理店